Members of the Tzouhalem Spinners & Weavers Guild have been sharing their passion for fibre since 1973. In its early days, the group met in the homes of members. The guild quickly grew its membership and needed to move into larger quarters. At one time the basement of City Hall was home and the few books in the guild library could be carried in a suitcase! Now the Tzouhalem Spinners & Weavers Guild has their general meetings twice a month in St. Peter’s Church Hall, 5800 Church Road in Duncan B.C. We now need space for our large collection of reference materials and the looms, wheels, carders, warping mills and other equipment available for members to borrow.

Our general meetings are held on the second Tuesday of most months (we take a break in July and August) from noon until 4 pm. There is a short business meeting before moving on to a “Show and Tell” of members’ projects. These projects reflect the members’ interest in several fibre arts: dyeing, felting, knitting, crocheting, bobbin lace, basketry, and braiding in addition to spinning and weaving. There may be a program or guest speaker. We enjoy potluck luncheons each December and t June.

Informal general meetings take place at the evening meetings on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 6 pm until 9 pm (September to May). Tzouhalem Spinners & Weavers Guild Members enjoy time working on spinning, knitting, or any other fibre projects during these meetings. Members are more than happy to help each other with challenges.

In addition to the library, the Tzouhalem Spinners & Weavers Guild has spinning and weaving equipment that members may borrow. Workshops are scheduled to introduce a new technique or expand on basic knowledge.

The Guild’s annual dues are $50 per year.

For more information:

President’s contact:

Our Mailing Address:

Attn: Tzouhalem Spinners & Weavers Guild

P.O. Box 21104, Duncan, BC V9L 0C2

general meetings twice  month
general meetings
Tzouhalem Spinners & Weavers Guild White Logo